After a TFS migration to VSTS, I had a few issues related to Git within Visual Studio 2017.

When I was trying to do anything with Git I was being prompted with the following error:

Git failed with a fatal error. fatal: unable to access ‘ port 443: Timed out’

This problem was just happening with VS 2017

VS 2017 has a few updates, depending on the updating you are, the fix can be different. Follow some fixes I found and used to made it work in a few different VS versions. You may don’t need to apply all the fixes, try to apply one and test if it worked.

Fix 1: Git proxy configuration

Fix 2: Visual Studio proxy configuration

Edit the file devenv.exe.config in %ProgramFiles(x86)%\Microsoft Visual Studio\2017\Common7\IDE.

Fix 3: Copy VS Git binary files to another folder

This seems to be a bug in the Visual Studio 2017 instalation witch is loading a few Git binaries in a wrong folder/version. To handle this, you need to copy the right binaries to the right folder like the following:





I had two diferent scenarios for this fix, the first one I copied the bin folder and pasted it inside the git-core folder. In the other scenario, I had to copy all the binaries from the bin folder to the git-core root folder.

Fix 4: If you are in a Windows 7 or using Git outside Visual Studio

You need to configure Alternate authentication credentials. A few years ago I posted a video showing how to do this. You can see it below.

Configure Git to use a proxy
Proxy Authorization Required
Copy VS Git binary files to another folder