This is the 3rd year that my first post on this blog is about what goals I accomplished last year and what will be the ones for this year.
First things first, this is my first post written in english and from now on they will be all written like this.
So, let’s start talking about my goals from last year. You can see them here: Goals for 2016
Review of my 2016 goals
1 - Buy an electric pressure cooker: Ok!
Funny? hahaha I wanted to prepare my own food and in most part of the year I did it. Besides saving money, I have eaten better.
2 - Go to the doctor and do tests: Not ok!
I went to the dermatologist, but I needed to return and I didn`t go. I also needed to run some tests.
3 - Be cool with people: (I dont know, maybe Ok!)
I felt I could be cooler with people. I tried… hard! Seriously, I think most of the time I did.
4 - Read a book a month: Ok!
More than ok! I Read 25 books last year. You can see the list on my GoodReads
5 - Spend less money: Not ok!
Probably because I travel abroad. It was my first trip abroad, so I had to get my fist passport. In this trip I bought some expensive things and… yes, i spent lots of money =/
6 - Eat a fruit everyday: Not ok!
It seems easy? Not for me. I tried, in the first weeks I was getting it, but day after day it became boring for me and I stopped.
7 - Go to work 3 times per week by bike or on foot: Not ok!
Definitely, not ok! Again, I tried. I even bought a bike, but just used it for two months. I went on foot a few times too.
8 - Lose 22lb: Not ok!
Shame on me! Twelve months later and with the same weigth.
9 - Sleep seven hours a day: Not ok
For the second year, I failed. I can’t go to bed early. It’s almost midnight and I am here, writing a post and reading something about the space in wikipedia.
10 - Maintain constancy in blog posts: Not ok!
I was getting to do that, but in the middle of the year my blog was deleted by godaddy and since them this is my first post.
11 - Organize a technical event: Ok!
Me and a friend created a meetup called Fullstack.NET. We organized the first meeting in november at Lambda3.
12 - Organize content and ministrate a course: Ok!
This was the first long duration course (16 hours) that I gave. I received good feedbacks about it.
13 - Give a lecture in another state: Not ok!
I even submitted some presentations to events in another states (Goias and Santa Catarina) but none of them were accepted. I will try again this year.
These where my goals from the last year. I am not happy with the conclusion of them, but I will work hard for the goals of 2017. If you want to see what they are, just keep reading.
Goals for 2017
First thing: I decided to not force with difficult goals or even with many ones. So this is my list:
1 - Blogging in english
I want that the english language become natural to me.
2 - Give a lecture in english
It`is already decided, I will submit a lecture to an event in another country and I want to present it in english.
3 - Lose 11 lb
I realy want this.
4 - Do exercices
I already started this. I hope that I can continue until the end of the year.
5 - Publish a course on some online course platform
Another thing that I already started to move things to accomplish it.
So, not many things neither difficult ones. Let`s start the year (a little bit late for this, but ok hahahaha).
That’s what I wanted to talk about, I’ll see you in the next post!